Monday, November 12, 2007


The mornings are alright.

I usually wake to my quiet alarm and take a shower while still only half conscious. I'll throw some clothes on and walk quickly to class. I try to grab some lunch before noon when the cafeteria isn't too crowded. I finish most of my homework at the last minute because there's really no motivation to get it done any earlier. This causes a general lack of understanding the material and leads to more study time before tests. Home is a 15' x 10' dorm room shared with another guy. The community bath is decent after the cleaning lady comes around 11. Most of my time is spent in my room on my computer.

My days are alright. It's the nights that I fear.

It's the anxiety of knowing that I'll eventually have to lay down. Knowing that I can't stay working indefinitely. Knowing that I'll have to turn out the lights and pull up the covers.

Knowing that I'll have no one to hold onto through the night except my pillow.

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